Monday, December 15, 2008


Hooray! Winter Break begins THIS FRIDAY! Uh Oh! We have SO MUCH to do before Friday!

This week is the "finish it all up" week. The Native American Projects are due on WEDNESDAY!! There will be a nouns test on Tuesday and a chapter 7 math test on Wednesday. The Chanukah program is Thursday. The Powwow is Friday.


Mon.: Language arts:Complete English book pgs. 82-83
Math pgs. 7.5 and 7.6
Social St.: PROJECTS!

Tues: Math - review page; study for test
Social Studies: PROJECTS! BRING IN A PLAIN, SOLID-COLORED T-shirt for Wednesday!

Wed. : Study/practice lines for Chanukah play!

Thurs.: Be prepared for the Powwow!

****Have a WONDERFUL week, Shabbat, and winter Break!****

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Homes for Class "Pets" Needed...

The Fantastic Fourth Grade are proud "parents" to 36 adorable pumpkin plants. We hope to grow these seedlings into massive pumpkin-bearing vines. However, these plants cannot survive a CTA winter break without constant nourishment and nurturing. We are looking for caring, nurturing winter break homes for our very special little pumpkins. If you are interested in being a foster-pumpkin-parent,please contact Miss Press before THURSDAY, DEC. 18. 614-864-0299 ext. 247

Thank You!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's the week of the Chanukkah Carnival!!!!

Here we are - just a mere 10 days away from winter break. Yes - we still have homework and classwork. Yes, our schedule will be crazy. Yes - we will learn and have fun, too.

This week is jam-packed with things to do. Tomorrow, the choir will sing at the State House (11:00-1:30. Those 7 students who are not in choir will work on making their moccasins. Wednesday is the Chanukkah Carnival. We will attend the carnival from 10:45-11:30. WE WILL STILL HAVE LANGUAGE ARTS AND MATH ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY!

The students learned how to sew today. We made a practice piece to prepare us for sewing our moccasins. The kids are doing a great job! So far, we've had no puncture wounds! (Thank G-d!) I am impressed by the students' determination to sew nice, even stitches. We will paint t-shirts next Monday. These t-shirts will be part of our Powwow costumes. Please send in a PLAIN, SOLID-COLOR t-shirt with your child on FRIDAY. These shirts will be painted with fabric paint! Make sure it tis a t-shirt that can be painted, cut, and decorated.

Here is the projected homework schedule:

EVERY DAY: Work on Native American Projects. These are due WEDNESDAY, Dec. 17!!!

Mon.: Spelling/Vocab: pgs. 86-87 in vocab. book; study words for Unit 9
Math: pg 7.2

Tues.: Spelling/Vocab.: pg 88-89 in vocab. book; study Unit 9 words
Math: pg. 7.3


Thurs.: Spelling/Vocab: Write a sentence for 6 of your spelling words.
Math: 7.4
Social studies: BRING IN A SOLID-COLOR T-SHIRT THAT WE CAN PAINT FOR OUR NATIVE AMERICAN COSTUMES. we will paint on MONDAY - no shirt - no painting.

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The First Week of December...and The Scholarship Dinner...

WOW! Time is really flying by! Can you believe that it is December? We only have 15 school days until winter break! There are only 20 days until Cahnukkah! THE SCHOLARSHIP DINNER IS THIS SUNDAY! We have so much to learn, to do, and to create this month. We might even have time for some fun activities (Chanukkah Carnival, Chanukkah Plays,and a Native American Powwow).

Now - as we say in the fourth grade - it is time for "broccoli before pie".

We will have a math chapter 6 test on WEDNESDAY. We will have a spelling and vocabulary test (the review unit for 5-8)on FRIDAY. The students will be getting a VERY BIG PROJECT ASSIGNMENT on Thursday.

Here is the projected homework for this week:

Mon.: Vocab. pgs. 68-69; study words
Math: reteach pgs. 6.5 and 6.6

Tues.: Vocab. pgs. 70-71; study words
Math: review pg. 131 - STUDY for ch.6 test
Social St.: finish questions from OSW

Wed.: Vocab.: pgs. 72-73; study words
Social St.: finish questions from OSW

Thurs.: Vocab.: pgs. 74-75; STUDY WORDS!!
Math: reteach pg.7.1

We will be creating several Native American clothing/ceremonial items. Each student will create a pair of moccasins, a headdress, and a medicine bag. If time permits, we will also create spirit stones, necklaces, and bracelets. FUN!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade...

We are just a few days away from Thanksgiving break. We are trying to finish up a few things before the break. We are also rehearsing for the school Thanksgiving Show - in addition to our muscial performances, we will be presenting a Mini-
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The children have all been assigned parts and are able to design/provide whatever props they feel that they will need for their costumes. PLEASE help your child rehearse his/her lines. I don't expect these lines to be memorized. I'd just like the students to be albe to read their lines "loud and proud". As for "regular" homework - the schedule will be chaotic. Please check your child's planner - I'll update the homework for Tuesday. There will be no homework assigned for during Thanksgiving break.

Mon.: Reading - read pgs. 95-100 and complete illustrator page
Math - reteach pg. 6.4
Social St. - PRACTICE LINES, prepare costume/props!

Have a wonderful evening and a delicious Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Are You Ready for Parent/Teacher Conferences?

Here we are - one week away from Thanksgiving Break and just mere hours away from parent/teacher conferences. I look forward to meeting with you. We are having a fantastic year so far - and many great new learning adventures await us.

Speaking of that - one of the learning adventures - the science test that was scheduled for today (11/17) has been postponed until Thursday (11/20). I was absent Friday - and did not give the kids the study guide. I am sorry for the confusion. We made a study guide today, reviewed the chapter, and prepared for Thursday's test. Study! Study! Study!

Here is the projected homework schedule for this week:

Mon.: spelling/Vocab pgs. 64-65; study words
math pg. 6.1
Science: STUDY for quiz on Thursday.

Tues: spelling/vocab: pgs. 66-67; study words
math pg. 6.2 (finish if the page wasn't completed in class)
social studies: write the definitions for the vocabulary list on pg. 54
in the OHIO book, READ pages 54-61 in Ohio book.
Science: STUDY! The quiz is on Thursday.
** These assignments are due Thurs.**

Wed: Behave, help your parents, read something that you enjoy, have a healthy snack,
play, enjoy the day off from school. (Oh - STUDY FOR THE SCIENCE QUIZ!)

Thurs: spelling/vocab: STUDY unit 8 words!!!!
math: reteach pg. 6.2

Have a wonderful week!


Monday, November 10, 2008

A Chilly November Week...

Baby, it's COLD outside! We will have outdoor recess - unless it is raining - so please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Thank you for bringing tissues - our noses are happy.

This week we will have a few tests and prepare for a test that will be given next week. This week is all about the "serious business" of school. Parent conferences are next Wednesday. Please call the school office to schedule an appointment. I look forward to meeting with you!

Here is the projected homework schedule:

Mon. Math: pgs. 4.5 and 4.6
Spelling/Vocab. pg. 58-59
Science: wkbk pg. 193-194

Tues.: Spelling/Vocab. 60-61
Math: review page
Social St.: Study review sheet for Quiz (Friday).

Wed. Spelling/Vocab: 6 words, 6 sentences STUDY WORDS!
Math: review/study for math test (Tomorrow!)
Soc. St.: study for Quiz (Friday)

Thurs: Spelling/Vocab: STUDY WORDS!!
Science: STUDY (quiz on Monday)
Soc. St. STUDY!!! Test TOMORROW!!!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Some changes in our schedule...

WOW! We attended an AMAZING Mock Election assembly today. Our high school students presented an interesting, well-organized, informative, entertaining, and overall AWESOME program. We enjoyed it - AND WE LEARNED! I'm VERY PLEASED with the fourth graders. They behaved so very well!!

We do have some changes in the homework - no math for today. Also - the socail studies vocabulary words are due on Thursday (not tomorrow).

We are attending a SPECIAL performance of the 6th grade play "Hannah's Suitcase" this Friday morning (10:00).

We ALSO attended a fantastic assemblt THIS MORNING - BEFORE the election assembly. This was an assembly about character and making good choices. The fourth graders were excellent audience members - and even got some autographs from the cast.

Here we were thinking that there wouldn't be any excitement after the High Holy Days...There is always excitement at CTA!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

November news: New Quarter, New President, 2:00 Fridays...

First Quarter is over, grades are in, and report cards will be mailed out soon. HOORAY! We have a busy week - as usual - and some interesting schedule changes - as usual. On Tuesday, we will attend a 9:30 am assembly which will address bullying, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Tuesday afternoon, from 1:00-3:30, we will participate in a mock presidential election. This will be an amazing experience! Early (2:00) dismissals begin THIS FRIDAY!

Projected Homework Schedule:

Mon: spelling/vocab. book pgs. 52-53; study words
math page 4.3

Tues. spelling/vocab.54-55; study words
math page 4.4

Wed. spelling/vocab. 6 words/6 sentences
reading: Night of the Twisters assignment (TBA)
social studies: define vocab. from pg. 476 in Soc. St. notebook

Thurs: Spelling/vocab: study words!
math:pg. 4.5
Sci. wkbk. pgs. 193-194

****It is "sneeze season" and we are out of tissues. please have your child bring in 2 boxes of tissues for use in our general studies and Judaic classes. **** Thank you!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Absolutely Fabuolus Room Design/Floor Plan Project.

The "Extra Credit" social studies assignment for tonight HAS BEEN CHANGED to a MANDATORY project that is due on Monday, Nov. 4. Each student has an information sheet explaining the requirements for this project. Pleases contact me if you have any questions about this project.

Monday, October 27, 2008

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program...

Hooray! We have a 5-day week! We have homework! We have "normal" school things. Come Friday - we all will be exhausted! As usual, we have a busy week. TOMORROW we will have a special dedication ceremony for the Zusman Learning Center. This ceremony will take place in the shul at 12:00. Please have your child wear his/her CTA shirt for this occasion.

This Friday is THE LAST 4:00 Friday until sometime in March. Next week - NOV. 7 - is our first 2:00 Friday.

The projected homework schedule:

Mon: Wear CTA T-shirt for Tuesday.
Spelling/Vocab. book pgs.46-47 and study words - Test on Fri.

Tues.:Spelling/Vocab. book pgs. 48-49 Study words. Test on Fri.
Math page 4.1
Social Studies: define vocab. words from pg.466 (Write in Soc.St. notebook.)

Wed.: Spelling/Vocab. Choose 6 words from the list; write a sentence for each of those words.
Soc. St. Challenge Project: Draw a Building plan (Follow the directions from pg. 473 in Soc. St. book. This project is due Friday.)

Thurs. Spelling/Vocab.: STUDY!!!! Test is tomorrow!!
Math pg. 4.2

Friday: Spelling and Vocab. Test.

**This week's science experiment is "seasonal". We will use our powers of observation, our weiging and measuring skills, and our estimation and counting skills. We may even be able to eat our findings (on Friday).***

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Last Holiday Week Until Thanksgiving...

WE have yet another brief but busy week. Here is the outline. There will be NO HOMEWORK this week. Enjoy it - next week it's "back to work."

Monday: We will continue our chemistry/cooking project. We will make hair toffee and square candies that look round. We will also see if our marshmallows turned out right. We will make our cookbooks, too. ***2:00 Dismissal ***

Tues. and Wed. - Enjoy the Holidays!

Thursday: We will read chapters 27-28 in Charlie, create math falsh cards, take math timed tests, and create skeleton models (complete with the correct names for each bone).

Friday: We will finish reading and discussing Charlie, work on more math basics (+/-/x/division. Oh - and we will also have a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Party!

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Succot! Succah Hop! Parties! Cooking!

Good Yom Tov! Happy Succot! This week will be a whirlwind of activity. Here is a brief outline:

I. Early Dismissals
A. Monday 10/13 - 2:00
B. Monday 10/20 - 2:00
II. Test
A. Math Chapter 3 test - Mon. 10/13
B. No other tests
III. Succot Celebrations
A. Succah Hop - Thursday 10/16 12:15-3:00
B. Simcha Beit Ha Shueyva 10/16 - 5:00 at school!
C. In school party 10:00 Fri. 10/17
IV. Cooking
A. We are making various candies to celebrate the conclusion of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
B. We will have a "Willy Wonka" party on Friday 10/24
V. Homework
A. There isn't any
B. Enjoy Succot!

Monday, October 6, 2008

In case you didn't know, this is an election year...

To engage our students in the historical, political, educational, and emotional experiences of participating in an election - We will hold a "Mock Election" November 4. To prepare, inform and involve our lower school students, the upper school "representatives" of BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties will speak with our class. We are focusing on gathering FACTUAL INFORMATION, speaking our opinions WITH RESPECT FOR OTHERS, and DEBATING ISSUES POLITELY.

I am so very proud of our class. We have already had the Democratic "Representatives" visit and speak with our class. Our class was polite, respectful, asked good questions, and discussed their points of view with tact and style.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

No Jury Duty for Me, Unusual Holiday Week Again...

I'm sure that your child has told you that I had the fantastic opportunity to be summoned for Grand Jury Duty. That is why there was a substitute teacher on Friday. However, I was not picked for jury duty - so I won't have to miss any more school for that. We have quite a hectic schedule from now until the end of October. Here is the plan for the week. Remember - Wed. is a 2:00 dismissal.

Monday: reading - Charlie chapter 18 questions
math - page 3.6

Tuesday: reading - finish questions for Charlie chapters 19-20

Wed: no homework - Erev Yom Kippur - Help your parents prepare for Yom Tov.

Thurs: No School - Yom Kippur

Fri: No Homework


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apples, Honey, 2:00 dismissal, Yom Tov...

Well, here it is. The High Holiday season begins Monday, Sept. 29 with our 2:00 dismissal. As you know, this will be the beginning of 4 very unusual and sparse weeks of school. Here are the plans so far - homework is subject to change - check your child's planner; I'll update the blog as needed. I hope that you all have a wonderful Rosh Hashanah. May you all be blessed with good health, happiness, and peace in this new year!

Monday: Help your parents prepare for Rosh Hashanah.

Thursday: Math: page 3.5
Reading?: Charlie chapters 15-16

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Last Week of the Year...Rosh HaShannah is next week!

Wow! The High Holiday season will soon be here. This is the last "normal" week of school until...October 27! So that means that we will have HOMEWORK! WE WILL HAVE A SPELLING AND VOCABULARY TEST THIS FRIDAY. (Unit 4). We have started a new science unit: The Water Cycle. We are still reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Here is the latest in homework plans:

Monday: My language arts group - STUDY for sentence test - complete review pages
My math group - page 3.1
Socail Studies: map page

Tuesday: My language arts group: study vocab/spelling unit 4
read chapter 9 in Charlie, complete questions
My math group: page

Wednesday: My language arts group: read Charlie chapter 10 and answer questions
study spelling/vocab. unit 4
My math group: none
Socail Studies: worksheet (The one that I forgot to give you yesterday...)

Thursday: My language arts group: STUDY for unit 4 spelling/vocab. test
My math group: worksheet
Science: page 183 (workbook)

Friday: Help your parents prepare for Shabbos AND for Yom Tov.

Upcoming Tests:

Spelling/Vocab unit 4 - Friday
Language Arts: Sentence Structure - Tuesday

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There will be school TOMORROW... So here is our far..

I hope that you have electricity, phone, cable, and Internet. We will have school tomorrow, on Wednesday, Sept. 17. So here is our new plan:


We WILL HAVE THE CHAPTER 2 MATH TEST on FRIDAY. Study, study, study.

There will be a grammar test on TUESDAY, Sept. 23.

There will be NO SPELLING/VOCABULARY this week. Hooray!

Here is the homework. Please check your child's planner, as things are likely to change - given this unusual week.

Wed: My language arts group - complete worksheet
My math group - pg. 2.4
Science - STUDY for weather test.

Thurs.: My language arts group - Read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory chapter 7 and answer questions (worksheet).
My math group: Complete review page to study for math test.

I will be out of town on Friday. There will be a substitute teacher. I KNOW that EVERY STUDENT IN OUR CLASS will be on his/her BEST BEHAVIOR, will be VERY KIND AND HELPFUL, and will be the FABULOUS FOURTH GRADE THAT I KNOW YOU ARE!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

There is a strong wind advisory...and a Science Test on Weather...

We have a GREAT BIG WEATHER TEST on Monday. Each student has a study packet to help him/her prepare for this test.

The students in my language arts group will have a quiz on sentences and sentence structure this Wednesday.

My math group will have a test on chapter 2 on Wednesday.

As usual, both language arts groups will have spelling/vocabulary tests on Unit 4 this Friday.

Homework for the week:

Monday: Language Arts Group - review worksheet packet
Math - problem solving pg. 2.4

Tuesday: Language Arts Group - Study for Sentence test. Read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory chapter 7, answer questions
Math: Complete review worksheet - study for chapter 2 test

Wednesday: Language Arts Group: Choose 6 of the spelling/vocab. words, write a sentence for each of the words that you've chosen.
Social Studies: Map review worksheet

Thursday: Language Arts group: STUDY FOR THE SPELLING/VOCAB TEST
Math: pg. 3.1


Science Experiment - What happens when calcium is leeched from bones?

Weather Review: Exploration of "Extreme Weather"

Substitute Teacher - Yep. Everyone must be on "best behavior." We will have a substitute teacher on Friday. I expect amazing manners, fantastic behavior, and an excellent report.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Smile...School Pictures will be taken on Wednesday!

This week is School Picture Week. It is also spelling and vocabulary unit 3 week, review for science test week, and continuing with our differentiated reading and math groups week.

Here is the projected homework for this very busy week. (Check Mrs. Willis' blog for the language arts and math assignments for her groups. The math and language arts assignments posted here are for my groups. The science and social studies assignments are for EVERYBODY!)

Mon. Spelling/vocab. unit 3 - study words, complete pgs. 27-28 in book.
Reading: read chapter 4 in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Tues: Vocab. pg 29, study words
Read ch.6 in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Math - pg 2.1

Wed. Vocab. choose 6 words from list; write a sentence for each word.
Math pg 2.2
Socail Studies - worksheet
Thurs. Spelling/vocab. - STUDY WORDS
Math pg.2.3
Social Studies - Worksheet!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The First Week of September...Summer Really Seems to be Over...

Ta Da! Here we are in the first week of September...

We've made some significant changes in our classroom. We will be working in small groups for Language Arts and Math. Mrs. Willis will work with one group while I work with the other. This will allow us to best meet the students' academic needs. Both groups will be covering all of the required concepts from the 4th grade curriculum - we will just cover these concepts differently - according to learning styles, academic, remedial, and enrichment needs, and learning pace. So - the homework lists will be different for each child. Mrs. Willis will make a homework list for the students in her language arts and math groups. You can access these assignments on her blog page. I will list the assignments for my language arts and math groups AS WELL AS THE WHOLE CLASS ASSIGNMENTS FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES. Please contact me if you have any questions about these changes in our classroom.

That said, here is a list of the homework for the week. It most likely will change - so check your child's assignment book for the most up to date list.

Tues. Miss Press language arts: vocab book pgs. 21-22; study words and definitions
Miss Press math: page 1.5 and review page

Wed. Miss Press language arts: vocab book pg.23; study words and definitions
Miss Press math: review page and study for math test

Thurs. Miss Press language arts: Choose 6 of the vocabulary words, write a sentence for each of the words that you have chosen. STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS


Thursday - Math chapter 1 test

Friday - spelling/vocabulary unit 2 test

Monday, August 25, 2008

Yes, we have homework this week.

It is the first FULL week of school - which means it is the first week of HOMEWORK. The students will write their assignments in their assignment books. (It is essential to have a school assignment book). I will also post the homework for each week on this blog. Sometimes things may not go according to plan, and the assignments listed here may be a bit different from what is written in the assignment books. The assignment book record is the most up to date. If you have any questions about a homework assignment, please send me an email or voicemail - or just send a note in with your child. ( 864-0299 ext.247)

Now for the Heavenly Homework of Aug.25-29:

Monday: Math page 1.1 problem solving
Vocabulary book pg 15
Study vocabulary words - Unit 1 - Be sure that you can SPELL them, know
in a SENTENCE. (The TEST will be FRIDAY.)

Tuesday: Math page 1.2 reteach OR problem solving
Vocabulary book pgs. 16-17
Study vocab. words (as detailed in Monday's homework).

Wednesday: Parents - Please attend the "Meet the Teacher" night.
Students - Math page 1.3 reteach OR problem solving
Vocab/Spelling Choose 6 vocab/spelling words from Unit 1. Write a sentence for
each of the words that you have chosen. Be sure to
use the word correctly, write neatly, capitalize and
punctuate correctly. Oh - and please write FANTASTIC

Thursday: Math page 1.4 reteach OR problem solving
Math - make a list of 5 ways you use "benchmark" numbers in
your home/daily life

Friday: Relax. Enjoy Shabbat. Enjoy the long weekend. Be nice and be helpful.
Do something that you really like to do.

In other news...

We will have weekly science experiments. This will be very fun, very exciting, and we will also learn a few things. I will also send home some experiments for the students to do at home. Rest assured - these will be safe, non-toxic, limited mess, limited stress projects to try. Your child doesn't have to complete these. These extra science experiments are "just for fun" - and for some fun learning, too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

Wow! Here we are - the Fantastic Fourth Grade! I hope that you all have had a wonderful, exciting, enjoyable, relaxing, and satisfying summer. NOW IT'S BACK TO WORK. Don't worry - the only people that have homework THIS week are the Fantastic Fourth Grade PARENTS! Parents - Please complete the survey that your child will receive on Wednesday (the first day of school). This survey is due by NEXT Wednesday (August 27 - which is also the day of our school open house). I look forward to meeting and working with you this year. If you have any questions, concerns, or information that you'd like me to have, please contact me.

voicemail: 864-0299 ext. 247


Miss Tamalynn Press

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Last Week of School...

Here we are. It is the final week of school. BOOK PROJECTS ARE DUE MONDAY, JUNE 2. The math chapter 9 test is MONDAY, JUNE 2. After that, we can spend time doing "fun" learning things: story telling, story writing, math games, geography games, current events discussions, etc. There will be NO HOMEWORK this week! HOORAY!

Important Events:
Monday, June 2: Book Project due, Math Test

Tuesday, June 3: Underground Railroad play presented by the 5th grade

Wednesday, June 4: Special Treat

Thursday, June 5: BIG CLEAN UP! TAKE ALL OF YOUR STUFF HOME! Bring a bookbag, a big bag, luggage, whatever you will need to carry all of your desk and locker belongings! CLASS PARTY!


Have a wonderful summer!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The End is Near...

So here we are with just 7 days of school left. WE are in the process of finishing up - EVERYTHING. The lesson plans are a bit more fluid now - as we are running into may last-minute schedulke changes and trying to fit in as much as possible before the schoolyear ends.

Here are the BIG HOMEWORK requirements:


Math Chapter 9 Test: MONDAY, JUNE 2!

Math homework: Thursday, pg. 9.6
Friday: review pages, study chapter 9 over the weekend

Last week of school:

Homework will involve collecting "current events" news stories from newspapers, internet, and news magazines. We may also have a reflective writing project (if we don't finish it in class.)

TOO MUCH STUFF IN THE CLASSROOM! Please help your child take all of the remaining projects home by MONDAY, JUNE 2. They will have to throw away any remaining projects on June 3. (Exception of Book Projects). CLASSROOM CLEAN OUT IS THURSDAY< JUNE 5!!! The kids must take home all school supplies, locker stuff, etc.on THURSDAY, JUNE 5.

The End is Near...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

3 weeks to go

We had a FANTASTIC achievement fair. Our class business - Havdallah Hits - made a very nice profit to donate to charity. The students did a wonderful job running this class business.

This week we are "back to normal." We have one final project to complete: a book project. Each student will read a book of his/her choice and create a project about that book. The students will get all project information and requirements on Monday, May 19. This final project is due Monday, June 2.

In math - we will be learning about equations, expressions, equations and expressions with variables, and the order of operations. Our goal is to have the chapter 9 test on Monday, June 2.

In social studies, we will learn about the many different ethnic, religious, and racial groups that live in Ohio.

Friday is Lag B' Omer - and the kids are VERY excited! We will not have homework Thursday night (there is a big bonfire and celebration at the school that evening).

Homework Schedule:

Monday: Start reading project/read book
Math workbook page 9.2
Tuesday: Math review sheet
Wednesday: Math workbook page 9.3

Sunday, May 11, 2008

3 days to Achievement Fair!!!

We will have an intense work schedule prior to Wednesdays Achievement Fair. We have to finish the Havdallah candles, fill the spice boxes, wrap the wine glasses, advertise, OH - and still do reading, math, language arts and social studies. WHEW! No rest for the weary. I'm not posting homework for this week - as I'm not sure what we will get to each day. Please check your child's planners - I will have them write assignments there.

See you Wednesday at the Achievement Fair!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Back to "Normal"

Hooray! We are finished with the Achievement Tests! Now we can get back to our regular schedule and homework. This week we will be completing chapter 8 in math. the chapter 8 test will be on Thursday, May 8. We will be working frantically to complete our Havdallah sets. We have to make the candles, finish the glasses and spice boxes, complete the packaging, and ADVERTISE! Wow. That's a lot to do. We will also learn about similies and metaphors. We will read a short story, celebrate Yom Ha Atzmaut, and do homework.

Homework Schedule:

Mon. Math pg. 8.6
Tues. Write and illustrate a similie and a metaphor
Wed. Math review pg. 179 (and self-correct) Study for the math test.
Thurs. Celebrate Yom Ha Atzmaut!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

UPDATE: "best laid plans..."

Well, we have been a bit stressed out with the Achievement Tests and have been called upon to do urget work: illusrtations for the 5th grade Writer's Workshop pieces, extra time needed for our class buisness project...

So, the math test that was scheduled for Monday, May 5th will be re-scheduled. Let's aim for Friday, May 9th. **Also, there are several students (you know who you are, and I'll tell you again...)who have MISSING MATH ASSIGNMENTS.** These pages will be given on Friday and are due on Monday (May 5). If there are any problems that arise regarding the completion of missing math work (I understand that things happen, schedules get hectic, etc.) please let me know via email or note sent with your child.

We made many etched wine glasses for our Havdallah sets. The students created fantastic designs and worked very well with the glass etching solution (it is a MAJOR chemical - but creates perfectly safe drinking glasses). Good job 4th grade - we just need to be a bit more relaxed, a bit more calm, a bit more quiet... Patience is the hardest thing to learn.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome Back! We're taking the Achievement Tests!


Tonight your child MUST get a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow morning your child MUST have a good, nutritious breakfast and arrive at school on time. We will do some relaxation/anti-test-taking anxiety exercises each morning before we take the achievements tests.

Here is the testing schedule:

Tuesday: Reading Test 9:00-11:30am
Wednesday: Math Test 9:00-11:30 am
Thursday: Writing Test 9:00-11:30 am
Friday: Otis Lennon Test 9:00-11:30 am

Please make sure that your child is well-rested and well-nourished each morning. It really helps to cut down on test-taking anxieties and also helps your child stay focused on the very tedious task of test-taking.

In other news...WE ARE IN BUSINESS! Mrs. Sapp has agreed to provide us with a "start-up" loan for Havdallah Hits. This week we will be creating the spice boxes and etched wine glasses. The packaging design team will create the business cards and print our product bags. The advertizing and marketing team will create scripts for the morning announcements and design posters and fliers to advertize our products.The financial department will calculate the product costs and selling price points for our products, keep tract of our recipts, and keep track of our expenses. Our design department will oversee the manufacturing of our products. ALL of the students will work on making our products.

As you can see, we have a very busy week.


Wednesday(due Thursday) Math wkbk. pg. 8.6
Thursday (due Friday) Math book pg 179

***Math Chapter 8 test will be Monday May 5***

Can you believe this?! There are only 28 school days left! Wow!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Countdown to Pesach

Glad to see that everyone survived the great Camp Willson experience. It certainly sounds like the kids had a great time. This week we are focused on practicing for the achievement tests and developing our class buisness "Havdallah Hits." As for homework - there will be no spelling/vocab. as we just have Mon.-Wed. of class time. Thursday we will have model seders. PLEASE LET ME KNOW if your child will be leaving early for Pesach break or returning late. Break begins Thurs. at 2:00 and school resumes Tues. April 29.

Homework: We will have some math pages to do. Please check student planners.

We will also have some classroom "Havdallah Hits" assignments. Again, please check planners as these assignments will be determined by what we accomplish in class

Have a wonderful Pesach!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Camp Willson...and then Thursday and Friday.

It's finally here! The big camping trip at camp Willson will be from Monday-Wednesday of this week. Be sure to double-check the list of "BRING and DO NOT BRING to camp" so that your child is prepared for this camping experience. As for homework and classwork: We will continue to prepare for the Ohio proficiency tests. Homework will be given Thursday night. The assignments are to be determined by the amount of material we cover on Thursday. Please check your child's planner for that assignment. There will be no spelling/vocabulary tests this week (due to cam) or next week (due to model Seders and Pesach break). We will resume spelling/vocabulary tests AFTER achievement tests.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

April Showers bring Pesach Flowers...

Here we are in the first week of April. We are starting a new chapter in math, completing our study of pronouns, learning about Ohio history (pre-Civil War to Civil War) and will be continuing to prepare for the Ohio proficiency tests. We will also work with the 5th grade to write "author information pages" for the 5th graders' Writing Workshop pieces. **We will have a pronouns quiz on Thursday.**

Next week : MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY the fourth grade will be at Camp Willson. PLEASE RETURN THE PERMISSION FORMS AND MONEY. If you have any questions or concerns about the camp experience - please contact Mrs. Sapp.

Projected homework for this week:

Monday: spelling/vocabulary - study words, complete the given assignment
math: wkbk. pg. 8.1 and problem solving pg. 8.1

Tuesday: spelling/vocab.: study words, do given assignment
Ohio proficiency test prep. assignment (TBA)

Wednesday: spelling/vocab. - study words, do given assignment
math: wkbk. 8.2, and 8.3
language arts: study for PRONOUNS quiz

Thursday: spelling/vocab. - study words - complete given assignment
math: wkbk. 8.4 and prob.slvg. 8.4

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fourth Grade News: Getting Ready for Camp Willson, Getting Ready for Achievment Tests...VERY READY for Spring Break

We are now in the 4th quarter of school. WOW. We are preparing for the achievement tests which will be given on April 30, May 2, and May 5. (Make up tests will be given May6-9.) The students will take reading, math, and writing tests.

We are currently completing chapter 7 in math. The test is THURS. Please continue to review basic multiplication and division facts. Our next several math chapters are based on these basic concepts. In reading - we are focusing on reading comprehension strategies, making inferences, and drawing conclusions. We are also working on reading test taking strategies. In language arts, we are studying pronouns: subject, object, possessive, and homophones (there, their, they're, etc.) Our current and subsequent spelling/vocabulary lessons will be words from our social studies lessons. In social studies, we are learning about the economic growth in Ohio from the 1830's through the Civil War. We are also learning about the four factors of production: capital, labor, entrepreneurship, and land. These lessons will help to prepare us for our GREAT BIG 4th GRADE BUSINESS ADVENTURE. (We'll start that project April 1.)


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring, Purim, and no snow this week...

We are preparing for an intense week. The main interest for all of the students is, of course, Purim. There will be a BIG celebration at school ALL DAY on Friday. The students can wear their costumes to school on Friday.

We will have "regular, usual school" from Monday-Thursday. We will make a study guide for Ohio book Chapter 6 lessons 1 and 2. The quiz on these lessons will be THURSDAY. There is a special spelling list for this week. The spelling test will be Thursday. We will finish the last lessons (7.5, 7.6, and the review section) for math chapter 7. The math test will be next Wednesday - March 26. In Language arts, we will continue to study pronouns: subject, object, and the proper use of "I" and "me". We are also preparing for the Ohio proficiency tests. Our current focus is on "writing" and "math". PLEASE help your child review the basic multiplication and division facts.


Study spelling words; math pg. 7.5; study social studies study guide;

study spelling words; study social studies study guide; reading response question

Wednesday: study spelling words; study social studies study guide; math 7.6

Thursday: Spelling test; social study quiz

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Surviving ANOTHER snow day - and adjusting our schedule...

Yes, we will have the spelling, vocabulary, abbreviations, and math tests on Monday, Feb. 25. We will continue to study abbreviations - the postal code abbreviations for the U.S. The quiz for this will be Friday, Feb. 29. We will be reading chapters 11-13 in the Thomas Edison book. There will be NO spelling/vocab unit this week - as we are going to be focused on learning the postal code abbreviations and will be preparing for a test on Ohio history. The Ohio History test will be Thurs. Feb. 28. In math - we will start chapter 7 - which is MORE data collection and displays - bar graphs, double bar graphs, and line graphs.

As for Homework (besides studying for the tests)- please check your child's planner - I am going to adjust the homework as we go through the week.

So, what do you think the weather will be like this week?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fourth Grade: Feb.19-22, 2008

This week we will be continuing to review math chapter 6: mean, median, mode, range, line plots and stem and leaf plots, and how to read and record data. the test for chapter 6 is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 22.

Spelling/Vocabulary: Orange Group is completing a review unit of lessons 13-16.
Green Group is completeing lesson 13. The units are due on Friday, the tests will be on Friday.

Language Arts: We are studying abbreviations and learning how to use commas in a series. We will have a quiz on abbreviations on Monday, Feb.25. The students have a study guide to study from.

In Social Studies, we are learning about Ohio's role in the War of 1812.

In Reading: We will be reading chapters 10-12 in the Thomas Edison book.


Spelling/Vocab.: Orange group: review units 13-16 due Fri., tests Fri.
Green group: unit 13 due Friday, tests Fri.

Math: Thurs: Review page, study for chapter 6 test - Test is Friday.

Social Studies: Tues: Vocabulary words from p136
Wed. People and Places vocab. from p136

Reading: Tues. Chapter 10, and write a summary (at least 6 sentences) of the chapter
Wed. Chapter 11, and reading response question
Thurs. Chapter 12, and reading response question

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

snow day...again...and other news

I hope that you are enjoying our mini-winter vacation. Our planned schedule for the week must be revised. We will "play it by ear" when we retun to school. We will get through as much as we can for the week. As for the homework -please check your child's planner. The Biography projects should be turned in on the day that we return to school. (tomorrow?) We will still have the spelling and vocabulary tests on Friday.

Enjoy the snow day! Stay warm!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Day! and other news...

Well, this week is off to an interesting start. Today's snow day will not interfere with our plans. The Biography project is due on Wednesday, Feb. 13. I am very impressed with the projects that have already been turned in! We are continuing to read about Thomas Edison. We will read from chapters 8-10 this week. In math, we are reviewing Chapter 6: mean, median, mode, range, line plots, line graphs, and analyzing data. The test will be next week (date to yet be determined). Our social studies lessons explore the political, social, and economic events that contributed to Ohio's Statehood. (Ohio's 205th birthday is March 1). In language arts, we are learning how to corectly capitalize and punctuate our writing.


Reading: Monday: Read chapter 8 in Thomas Edison; answer questions.

Wednesday: Read chapter 9 in Thomas Edison; create questions.

Thursday: Read chapter 10 in Thomas Edison; answer questions.

Math: Monday: math page: mean, median, mode

Wednesday: math page: line plots

Thursday: math page: stem/leaf plots

Spelling/Vocab.: Green Group: unit 12 due Friday, Tests Friday
Orange Group: unit 16 due Friday, Tests Friday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Attention, Attention, Math Test is Rescheduled!

The Math Chpater 6 Test will be given on TUESDAY, FEB. 12. We will be reviewing the chapter on Thurs., Fri., and Monday.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fourth Grade; February 4-8

We've finally had our first "snow day"! I hope that you all had a very enjoyable Friday. Now it's back to work...

This week we will be reviewing and doing some enrichment projects to supplement our study of adjectives. In readning, we will read and discuss chapters 5-7 in the Thomas Edison book. In math - we are comparing graphs, analyzing data, and creating graphs. The Chapter 6 math test will be FRIDAY, FEB.8. Our Ohio studies will cover the War of 1812, the Battle of Fallen Timbers, and the political, social and economic issues of those times. We will also read a new Time for Kids. We will work on note taking skills and outlining skills.

Homework List (subject to change - chek student planners)

Spelling/Vocabulary: Orange Group - Unit 15
Green Group - Unit 11
Tests are FRIDAY!
Math: Monday - 6.5
Wednesday - 6.6
Thursday - book review pg. 131, study for test!

Social Studies: Monday: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 5 from Ohio book pg.125
Tuesday: Define vocabulary, people, and places from
Ohio book pg. 120.

Reading: Monday: re-read chapter 5, answer questions
Tuesday: re-read chapter 6, answer questions
Wednesday: read chapter 7, answer questions


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last week of January.. First day of February

Fourth Grade News:

We completed our study of adjectives and took a short adjectives quiz on Tuesday. We will continue our grammar studies with a focus on good sentence structure, proper use of capitalization and punctuation.

We are continuing to read a biography of Thomas Edison, and will be reading chapters 3 and 4 in this book. We will also be creating a bulletin board about what we have learned so far about Thomas Edison.

In math, we are learning about mean, median, mode, and range, how to create and read line plots, and how to create and read stem and leaf plots.

In Social studies, we have been reading about the Northwest Ordinance and the creation of the state of Ohio from the land that was the Northwest Territory. (Ohio's "birthdate" is March 1, 1803.) We are also reading the current issue of Time For Kids. The feature article is about the horrors of forced child labor in India, Ghana and several South American and East Asian countries.


Spelling and Vocabulary - orange group unit #14, green group unit #10; tests on Friday

Math: pg. 6.3 Monday
pg. 6.2 problem solving Tues.
pg. 6.3 prob. solving Wed.
pg. 6.4 Thurs.

Reading: Chapter 3 and questions - Monday
Vocab. for Chapters 3&4 Tues.
Chapter 4 and reading response journal Wed.
Chapter 5 and reading response journal - Thurs.

REMEMBER! The Biography Projects are due WED. FEB. 13!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The Math chapter 5 test has been rescheduled for WED. Jan. 16. The students needed another day for review. PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD STUDY FOR THIS TEST TONIGHT. The reviews at the end of chapter 5, as well as the individual lessons from chapter 5 are good to review.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Fourth Grade News - Jan. 14-18

The fourth grade students are reading a biography of Thomas Edison. We will be reading, analyzing and discussing this book in class. There will be some short reading and question homework assignments as well. The students SHOULD be reading the biographies that they picked for their independent biography projects. The project requirements and due date will be given on Wed. Jan. 16.

We will have a mini-unit about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to prepare for the observance of Martin Luther King day. We will continue to study Ohio history from the mid 1750's to the early 1800's.

In math - we are having a TEST on chapter 5 on Tuesday, Jan 15. We will begin chapter 6 - Organizing Data and Using Charts and Graphs - on Wed.

Spelling and Vocabulary tests will be on Friday. Orange Group: unit 12, Green Group - unit 9


Spelling and vocab: tests Friday, units due Friday

Math: Mon: study for chpater 6 test
Wed.: wkbk. pg. 6.1
Thurs.: wkbk pg. 6.2

Reading: Mon: read pg. 8-21 in Thomas Edison book, answer question page.
Tues: complete vocab sheet for Thomas Edison Book (for ch.3)
Wed. Read pg. 26-30 in Thomas Edison book, answer question page.

****Read biography for boigraphy projects****

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Math Test Update!

The 4th grade math test on chapter 5 will be given on
TUESDAY, Jan. 15. We will review for this test on Monday.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year! Welcome Back to School!

We are ready for "round two." The fourth graders are currently studying adjectives: writing with adjectives, adjectives after the verb "be", proper use of articles,and making comparisons (-er, -est, more/most. We will have an adjcetives quiz sometime next week.

In Math, we are learning how to read and create time tables/schedules, use elapsed time, and use elapsed time on a calendar. We will have a chapter 5 math test on Monday, January 14.

In Social Studies, we have been reading and analyzing articles from "Time for Kids." These articles are about the major events/news stories of 2007. The students are very aware of world issues. We are also continuing our study of Ohio - the path of Ohio from the 1700's to statehood (1803).

We are starting 2 new reading projects: a class study of Thomas Edison and an independent biography project.


Spelling/Vocab: Orange Group : review lesson, students have the list of words to study. Green Group: lesson 8. Tests are on Friday.

Math: due Thurs. - 5.4
assigned Thurs for Test Monday: text book pg. 109, and study for the math test on Monday.

Reading: Find a biography to read for the independent project. This book MUST BE BROUGHT IN TO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, JAN. 11.

Reading assignments in Thomas Edison book: to be announced - check student planners