Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice, Erev Winter Break...

FINALLY, what we have all been waiting is the first day of winter!! Oh, and we also have a 2-day school week this week, and winter break begins on Wednesday. No homework tonight. No homework during winter break. I hope that you all have a wonderful, relaxing, restful, and fun time.

4th Graders and 5th Grade reading group: Please bring a book for tomorrow afternoon's read, relax and refreshments party.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Chanukah! We are counting the days until winter break!

We have a very busy and fun week: Chanukah Carnival, Chanukah Show, finishing Night of the Twisters, making fun math projects, investigating seeds and spores...AND WE DON"T HAVE ANY HOMEWORK THIS WEEK!!!!

The only assignment: Bring in a dreidle (or 2 or 3) for Wednesday's math class. We will be learning about probability and statistics while playing dreidle.

The Fabulous Fifth Grade will have a math QUIZ on 2-digit divisor long division on WEDNESDAY. Otherwise: NO HOMEWORK!!!!

Happy Chanukah!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Count Down to Chanukah!

Yes - it is almost here...Chanukah and winter break!!! We are having a very busy academic week this week - as the fololowing week and 2 days before break are filled with carnival, shows, and special Chanukah projects. So, here is the projected homework for this week:

Tues.: Math reteach pg. 7.6
Vocab. pg. 72-73
Read pg. 61-75 in Night of the Twisters, answer questions.
Study for Muscular System quiz; quiz is on Friday.

Wed.: Math review pg. 151
Second Step page
Study for Muscular System quiz.
Read pg. 86-100 in Night of the Twisters

Thurs.: Vocab. pg. 74-75
Study for Muscular System quiz

Fifth Grade Group:

Tues.: Read ch. 18-19 in Tuck; answer questions.
Math - worksheet

Thurs. Math problem solving 10.4