Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lunar Eclipse, Winter Solstice, Winter Break

So much to do this week in such a short amount of time! We plan to finish a few projects, create a fun and delicious science experiment and math project, and share our "Superheroes Save Chanukah" folk tales. We will not have scheduled homework. the only assignment will be to complete any unfinished parts of the superhero stories. That will be Monday night's assignment.

I hope that you have a wonderful, relaxing, and enjoyable winter break!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow! Snow! Snow! Week of Dec. 13-17, 2010

Brrr! This week will be a cold and snowy one - and busy, too! We have just 8 school days until winter break. We are back to a regular homework schedule for the week. We do not have a spelling/vocabulary unit for this week, but will have math homework. Here is the projected homework schedule:

Mon.: Math reteach pg.6.1

Tues.: Math reteach pg 6.2

Wed.: Math problem solving pg 6.2

Thurs.: math reteach pg 6.3

Fifth Grade:

***The chapter 3 science test will be on WEDNESDAY!!!****
Study the chapter and your review worksheets. The review worksheets will be given to you on Tuesday. You will need to take your book home with you on MONDAY

Monday, December 6, 2010

CHANUKAH! Carnival, Shows, Etc...

This is a very busy and fun week for the Fantastic Fourth Grade! We will write folk tales, explore and create various graphs, learn about the European settlement of the Northwest Territory, create water cycle wheels, listen to an AMAZING Chanukah story, attend Chanukah shows, carnivals and celebrations AND not do homework. That's right. NO HOMEWORK for this week. Enjoy!