Monday, October 20, 2008

The Last Holiday Week Until Thanksgiving...

WE have yet another brief but busy week. Here is the outline. There will be NO HOMEWORK this week. Enjoy it - next week it's "back to work."

Monday: We will continue our chemistry/cooking project. We will make hair toffee and square candies that look round. We will also see if our marshmallows turned out right. We will make our cookbooks, too. ***2:00 Dismissal ***

Tues. and Wed. - Enjoy the Holidays!

Thursday: We will read chapters 27-28 in Charlie, create math falsh cards, take math timed tests, and create skeleton models (complete with the correct names for each bone).

Friday: We will finish reading and discussing Charlie, work on more math basics (+/-/x/division. Oh - and we will also have a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Party!

Have a fantastic week!

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