Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last week of January.. First day of February

Fourth Grade News:

We completed our study of adjectives and took a short adjectives quiz on Tuesday. We will continue our grammar studies with a focus on good sentence structure, proper use of capitalization and punctuation.

We are continuing to read a biography of Thomas Edison, and will be reading chapters 3 and 4 in this book. We will also be creating a bulletin board about what we have learned so far about Thomas Edison.

In math, we are learning about mean, median, mode, and range, how to create and read line plots, and how to create and read stem and leaf plots.

In Social studies, we have been reading about the Northwest Ordinance and the creation of the state of Ohio from the land that was the Northwest Territory. (Ohio's "birthdate" is March 1, 1803.) We are also reading the current issue of Time For Kids. The feature article is about the horrors of forced child labor in India, Ghana and several South American and East Asian countries.


Spelling and Vocabulary - orange group unit #14, green group unit #10; tests on Friday

Math: pg. 6.3 Monday
pg. 6.2 problem solving Tues.
pg. 6.3 prob. solving Wed.
pg. 6.4 Thurs.

Reading: Chapter 3 and questions - Monday
Vocab. for Chapters 3&4 Tues.
Chapter 4 and reading response journal Wed.
Chapter 5 and reading response journal - Thurs.

REMEMBER! The Biography Projects are due WED. FEB. 13!!!

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