Monday, May 16, 2011

A Routine Week...So far...

As we enter these last weeks of school (just 17 days of the school year left), we will try to keep our routine. However, it is the end of the year, and things get crazy. So, here is the projected homework schedule for the week. The Fantastic Fourth Grade may have some social studies assignments added - it will depend on how much we are able to cover in class.

Mon.: Study for the math chapter 11 test. The test is tomorrow.
Complete pgs. 126-127 in vocab. book. Study unit 14 words.

Tues.: Write a sentrence for each of the unit 14 vocab. words. Study the words.

Wed.: Complete math rtch. pg 12.1.
Study unit 14 vocab. words.

Thurs.: Complete math rtch. pg 12.2
Study unit 14 vocab. words. The test is tomorrow!

Fifth Grade: Oh yes, you have homework this week. We won't have any tests or projects until after the Underground Railroad play.

Tues.: Define the vocab. words from pg 272 (science text book). Use the definitiond given in the glossary of your science text book.

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