Monday, May 23, 2011

The Last "Normal" Week of the School Year...

Yes, this is the last 5-day week of our school year. We have many special events this week as well. Wednesday morning, at 10:00, we will attend the 5th grade Underground Railroad play performance. We will be performing in the Spring Show Thursday morning at 10:00. The rest of the day Thursday will be filled with Field Day/Color War games and activities. We will have the chapter 12 math test on Friday. This will be the last math test of the year. We will have the last spelling/vocabulary test (unit 15) on Friday as well.

Here is the projected homework schedule for the week:

Mon.: Math reteach 12.4
Vocab. book pgs. 132-133

Tues.: Math reteach 12.5
Write a sentence for each of the unit 15 vocabulary words.

Wed.: Study unit 15 vocab. words.

Thurs.: Study for the math chapter 12 test.
Study for the unit 15 spelling/vocabulary test.

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