Monday, November 12, 2007

Week of Nov. 12-16

We are continuing to study "All Things Ohio" by using the Ohio Studies Weekly newspapers. This week we will learn economics: supply and demand, wildlife: Ospreys, and facts about the state of Ohio.

We will finish the novel Night of the Twisters this week. The students have been doing a very good job reading and analyzing this story. Our next reading project will be a study of Native American folktales.

In Language arts, we are studying VERBS: "helping" verbs, action verbs, and verbs that show statres of being. We will continue to have 2 spelling and vocabulary groups. The "orange group" is studying Unit 8. The "green group" is studying Unit 3. The spelling/vocabulary quizzes will be on Friday.

In math, we are learning the properties of addition and how to solve equations and expressions with variables.

Weekly homework: **Please check your child's assignment book for updates**

Spelling/Vocabulary: Orange Group: Unit 8 due Friday, tests Friday.
Green Group: Unit 3 due Friday, tests Friday.

Reading: Reading Response Journal assignments assigned - Monday (due Tuesday), Tuesday (due Thursday), Thursday (due Friday).

Math: Workbook pg.4.2 assigned Monday (due Tuesday), Workbook pg. 4.2 - challenge/problem solving- assigned Tuesday (due Thursday). Workbook pg. 4.3 assigned Thursday, due Friday.

Parent/Teacher conferences are on Wednesday, Nov. 14. I look forward to meeting with you.

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