Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Second Quarter Begins...

The Fourth Graders are off to a great start for the second quarter. We are continuing to read Night of the Twisters and are keeping reading response journals to accompany our in-class discussions. We will continue to have weekly spelling/vocabulary units and tests every week - except for the week of Thnaksgiving. Our current social studies unit focuses on "All Things Ohio". We will be using a "weekly" - Ohio Studies Weekly - for our social studies lessons. We will begin learn about Ohio's earliest settlers and will do several projects - both in class and for homework - about the Native American tribes from Ohio and the rest of the United States. We have started our 4th math chapter - equations, expressions, properties of addition, and solving equations with varibles.

Our homework schedule has been a bit "off schedule". Please check your child's planner for the up-to-date assignments.

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