Monday, January 24, 2011

The Third Quarter

Welcome to the first week of the third quarter of this school year. We will be busy, as usual. here is the projected homework schedule:

Mon.: vocab. book pgs. 70-71; study review words.

Tues.: math rtch pg. 8.1
vocab. pg. 72-73; study review words.

Wed.: math rtch. pg. 8.2
vocab. pg. 74-75; study review words.

Thurs.: math rtch pg. 8.3
Study vocab. review words. (Quiz on Friday.)
Soc. St. page

5th Grade:
Wed.: Begin to study for the chapter 4 test. Use your study guide and your text book. the test will be Tues. Feb.1. YOU SHOULD STUDY EVERY NIGHT FROM NOW UNTIL THE TEST ON TUES. FEB 1.

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