Monday, May 18, 2009

18 Days and Counting...

That's right! There are only a mere 18 days left of our fantastic fourth grade year. We will be BUSY! This week will be the last week of spelling/vocabulary quizzes. Be sure to STUDY. We are continuing chapter 14 in math, will have some great science experiments, will learn interesting things about Ohio's history from the 1900's to the present day, learn about the respiratory system, see a play, and enjoy the school days. Whew!

Here is the projected homework schedule:

Mon.: Spelling/Vocab: Write each word twice - very neatly - in cursive; study words.
Math: Complete any unfinished classwork.
Science: Define - mixture, solution, solubility, suspension (Write on a separate sheet of paper. Use the science glossary.)

Tues.: Spelling/Vocab: Write a sentence for each word. Study words.
Math: Complete any unfinished classwork.
Social studies: Read pgs. 220-223 in OHIO book. Define (on a separate sheet of paper) ethnic group, tenement, settlement house

Wed.: Spelling/Vocab.: STUDY WORDS
Math: Complete any unfinished classwork.
Social studies: Ohio book - pg. 226, questions #1,2,and 3.

Thurs.: Spelling/Vocab: STUDY WORDS!!!
Math : Complete any unfinished classwork.
Science: Complete any unfinished classwork.

We will watch the 5th grade's Underground Railroad play on Thursday morning at 10:00.

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