Thursday, January 29, 2009

Super Snow Day Updates...

I hope that you are enjoying our snow day vacation. If we are in school tomorrow (Fri. Jan. 30), we WILL have the science quiz and the spelling/vocab. quiz. If the kids are bored and driving you are a few excellent extra credit project ideas:

Comic Strip: Create a 6 panel comic strip story about your snow day adventures - or a topic of your choice. Make sure that you include dialogue with your pictures and that you illustrate in color. The comic strip should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Short Story/ Creative writing: Write a story - topic of your choice - just enjoy the process of creating a story.

Math: practice your measuring skills: bake or cook something (with parental supervision)
This would be a great time to practice multiplication/division flash cards!!

Social Studies: Current events: Find and interesting news story - write about it - tell why this story is important, what effects it has on the U.S., on the world, and on you.
Find out some neat facts about the state of Ohio. Make a list of these facts.

Science: Study for the quiz.
Our next unit will be about weathering and erosion - find out how trees help prevent soil erosion, investigate the effects of snow, ice and rock salt on the soil/roads and land...

Reading: read something that you enjoy

Build Something! Is this good "packing snow"? Make a snow sculpture contest - take photos of your creations. Try to build an igloo or snow fort.

Do a Mitzvah - Help with the snow shoveling, help someone dig out his/her car, help Mom and Dad with the housework, read a story to your younger siblings, give lots of with the Shabbat preparations

I hope that you have a very enjoyable snow day. Maybe we will be in school tomorrow.

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