Monday, October 3, 2011

The First Week of October

This week is going to be a busy one! Here is the projected homework schedule. We will have a spelling test and a science test on Friday. The Fabulous Fifth Grade will have a science test on Thursday.

G'mar Chatimah Tova!

Fantastic Fourth Grade:

Monday: Study spelling words.
Study Science journal notes.

Tuesday: Study spelling words.
Study science journal notes, study guide, and textbook chapter 5.
Complete math reteach pg. 3.3.

Wednesday: Study spelling words.
Study science notes, study guide, and textbook chapter 5.
Complete math reteach pg. 3.4

Thursday: Study spelling words.
Study science notes, study guide, and textbook chapter 5.

Fabulous Fifth Grade:

Monday-Wednesday: Study for chapter 1 science test. Use your notes and the text book. You will get an additional study guide on Tuesday. Use all these materials to help you prepare for the test. The test will be given on Thursday.

Spectacular Sixth Grade:

No homework this week!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Three Days Before Rosh HaShanah

We have a short and very busy week! There will be NO HOMEWORK given during the holiday break. Students will take home their "Friday" folders on Wednesday. Please return these folders on Monday, October 3. I hope that you have a blessed, healthy, happy new year! L'Shonnah Tova!

Fabulous Fifth and Spectacular Sixth Grade Science Classes:

Fantastic Fourth Grade:
Mon.: Define the vocabulary words from pg. 28 in your social studies book. Write the definitions in your Ohio notebook. Complete math reteach pg. 3.1

Tues.: Complete math reteach pg. 3.2.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Week of the Autumnal Equinox

This is (officially) the last week of summer. This is also the last "regular" 5-day school week we will have until the last week of October. (Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur, Succot...) This is going to be a busy week!

Here is the projected homework schedule:


Mon.: Define the vocab. words from pg. 20 in social studies text book.
Write the definitions in your OHIO notebook.
Complete math rtch. 2.3

Tues.: Complete math rtch. 2.4.
Define the vocab. words from pg. 228 in science textbook.
Write the definitions in your science notebook.

Wed.: Complete the social studies worksheet.
Study for math chapter 2 test. (Test=FRIDAY)

Thurs.: Study for math chapter 2 test. (Test=FRIDAY)

****There is no spelling list or test this week.*****


Mon.: Define vocab. from science textbook pg. 48. Write the definitions in your science journal.


Mon.: Use your study guide to study for the test. (TEST=WEDNESDAY)

Tues.: Use your study guide to study for the test. (TEST=WEDNESDAY)

Thurs.: Define the vocab. words from pg. 8 in your science book. Write the definitions in your science notebook.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Middle of September

This is going to be a busy week. The Fantastic Fourth Grade will have their first math test: Chapter 1: on Tuesday. They will have their first spelling test:Lesson 1: on Friday. The Fifth and Sixth Grade science classes have some homework assignments this week.

Here is the projected homework schedule for this week (9/12-9/16)

Fantastic Fourth Grade:

Monday: Study lesson 1 spelling words.
Use the glossary in your social studies book to define the vocabulary words from pg. 12 in your social studies book. **Write these definitions in your Ohio notebook.**
Review math chapter 1. The test is tomorrow!

Tuesday: Study lesson 1 spelling words.

Wednesday: Complete the social studies worksheet.
Study lesson 1 spelling words.
Complete math reteach pg. 2.1

Thursday: Study lesson 1 spelling words.
Complete math reteach pg. 2.2

Fabulous Fifth Grade Science:

Tuesday: Use the glossary in your science book to define: moon, crater, moon phase, eclipse, refraction. **Write these definitions in your science notebook.**

Wednesday: Complete questions # 3, 5, and 6 from textbook pg. 45. Write the answers on loose leaf paper.

Spectacular Sixth Grade:

Monday: Complete the margin note questions on pgs. 20-21 in your science packet.

Tuesday: Use the information form your science packet to define: variable, independent variable, and dependent variable. **Write the definitions in your science notebook.**

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Second Week of Our 2011-2012 School Year...

I hope that you had a wonderful Shabbat and Labor Day Weekend. This is going to be a busy and exciting week. Here is a list of the projected homework assignments for the WEEK.

Fantastic Fourth Grade:

Tuesday 9/6: Complete math reteach page 1.3.
Use the glossary in your science book to define the following terms:
matter, mass, volume, density
(Write these in your science notebook.)

Wednesday 9/7: Complete math reteach pg.1.4

Thursday 9/8: Complete math reteach pg. 1.5

Fabulous Fifth Grade:

Tuesday 9/6: Use the glossary in your science book to define: sun, rotate, axis,
revolve, orbit, equator. (Write these in your science notebook.)

Wednesday 9/7: Answer questions 3, 5, and 6 from science book pg 37. (Write your
answers on loose leaf paper.)

Spectacular Sixth:

Tuesday 9/6: Use the glossary in your book to define the vocabulary words
from pg. NOS 12. (Write these in your science notebook.)

Wednesday 9/7: Complete science packet pgs.14-15.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday: Science Lab Day!!

I am so proud of our Fabulous Fifth, Spectacular Sixth, and Fantastic Fourth Graders. They all did a wonderful job following the directions, rules, and procedures of the science lab. They all did a great job conducting the science investigations, making observations, and recording the data.

Tonight's Homework:
5th and 6th Science: none

4th Grade: Complete math reteach pg. 1.2.

4th Grade Parents: Please complete and return the parent survey by tomorrow. Thank you!

******I will send a "FRIDAY FOLDER" on the last school day of each week (almost always Fridays). This folder will contain the weekly 4th grade newsletter, the student's corrected/graded papers from the week, the Dateline (if applicable), Moreh Dror's newsletter, and any other school information given from the office. FRIDAY FOLDERS must be returned on the first school day of the next week (usually Mondays). Please take the items out of the folder before returning it. Thank you.******

5th and 6th graders: I will send a note each week - a mini-newsletter - about our week in science. This will be put in your Friday Folder (from Mrs. Willis). Your corrected/graded science papers will also be put in your Friday Folder.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Homework - Again - Oh, yes, we are "back to school..."

The Fantastic Fourth Grade has the following homework assignments due tomorrow:
Math reteach page 1.1
Science: Use the glossary in your science book to define: standard measure, microscope, pan balance, spring scale

Parents of our Fantastic Fourht Graders, please complete and return the parent survey by Friday, Sept. 2. Thank you for completing and returning this so quickly. It will help me provide the best learning environment for your child.

Fabulous Fith and Spectacular Sixth Grade Science classes:
You have no homework tonight.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The Fantastic Fourth Graders have the following homework assignment: COMPLETE THE STUDENT SURVEY.

The Fantastic Fourth Grade PARENTS have the following homework assignment: COMPLETE THE PARENT SURVEY (due Fri. 9/2/11). Thank you! This information will help me be the best teacher for your child and best meet your child's learning needs.

The Fabulous Fifth Grade has the following assignment: Read science textbook pgs.2-9 Complete pg. 9 questions#3,5 and 6. (Write this on loose-leaf paper.)

The Spectacular Sixth Grade has the following assignment: Use the glossary from your science textbook to define the following terms: science, observation, inference, prediction. (Write these in your lab notebook.)

ALL of the students have had a WONDERFUL second day of school. They are doing a great job following our classroom rules, routines, and procedures.

Monday, August 29, 2011


...and Fabulous Fifth, and Spectacular Sixth Grade! This year I am pleased to be teaching fourth grade general studies and fifth and sixth grade science. We are going to have a fantastic, fabulous, spectacular school year!

My classroom blog will contain homework assignments for the school week - FOR ALL CLASSES. The fifth and sixth grade science assignment will be labeled and listed, as will the fourth grade general studies homework assignments. The students will also be responsible for recording their homework assignments in their planners. I will check to make sure that they do so.

We had an amazing first day of school! My goodness, everyone has gotten taller (except for me...I just buy very tall shoes...) I have given a "sort of" homework assignment for my Fantastic Fourth Graders. The are to show their copy of the classroom code to their parents, have their parents sign the cover of it, and return it to school tomorrow.

Also - I have told the students that they may bring WATER bottles to school (flavored water, like Crystal Light, is fine, just no juice, milk, or soda in the classroom). Students may take drinks from their water bottles, but aren't allowed to leave my classroom for a drink. They may use the drinking fountain before/after lunch and recess. This way we can use every precious minute for learning!

I am so excited to be working with such a wonderful group of students! Welcome to our school year!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

6 1/2 DAYS!!!!!

Yes, that is all that remains for our school year. These will be very busy days. There is no scheduled homework. Assignments will only be given if we are unable to finish our activities during class time. We are going on a field trip to COSI this Friday. We will have our class "End of the Year" party on Tuesday, June 7 - which is a 2:00 dismissal day for Erev Shavuot. Our last day, Friday June 10, is a 12:00 dismissal. We will have an awards assembly that morning. THE STUDENTS WILL BE CLEANING OUT THEIR DESKS AND LOCKERS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 7. ALL PERSONAL ITEMS MUST BE TAKEN HOME BY FRIDAY, JUNE 10. ANY REMAINING ITEMS WILL BE THROWN OUT. Please let me know of any planned vacation/absences that will occur during our last school days. Thank you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Last "Normal" Week of the School Year...

Yes, this is the last 5-day week of our school year. We have many special events this week as well. Wednesday morning, at 10:00, we will attend the 5th grade Underground Railroad play performance. We will be performing in the Spring Show Thursday morning at 10:00. The rest of the day Thursday will be filled with Field Day/Color War games and activities. We will have the chapter 12 math test on Friday. This will be the last math test of the year. We will have the last spelling/vocabulary test (unit 15) on Friday as well.

Here is the projected homework schedule for the week:

Mon.: Math reteach 12.4
Vocab. book pgs. 132-133

Tues.: Math reteach 12.5
Write a sentence for each of the unit 15 vocabulary words.

Wed.: Study unit 15 vocab. words.

Thurs.: Study for the math chapter 12 test.
Study for the unit 15 spelling/vocabulary test.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Routine Week...So far...

As we enter these last weeks of school (just 17 days of the school year left), we will try to keep our routine. However, it is the end of the year, and things get crazy. So, here is the projected homework schedule for the week. The Fantastic Fourth Grade may have some social studies assignments added - it will depend on how much we are able to cover in class.

Mon.: Study for the math chapter 11 test. The test is tomorrow.
Complete pgs. 126-127 in vocab. book. Study unit 14 words.

Tues.: Write a sentrence for each of the unit 14 vocab. words. Study the words.

Wed.: Complete math rtch. pg 12.1.
Study unit 14 vocab. words.

Thurs.: Complete math rtch. pg 12.2
Study unit 14 vocab. words. The test is tomorrow!

Fifth Grade: Oh yes, you have homework this week. We won't have any tests or projects until after the Underground Railroad play.

Tues.: Define the vocab. words from pg 272 (science text book). Use the definitiond given in the glossary of your science text book.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Important Homework Update!

No homework tonight (...except studying for the unit 13 spelling/vocab. The test will be given on Friday). No homework on Wednesday. You need to come to the Achievement Fair. (6:00-7:30pm). We won't have the chapter 11 math test this Friday. (Now, now, don't be upset. We will take it next week; I promise!)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Achievement Fair Week! Magnet Monsters and Engineering Projects!

WE have a very busy and exciting week. Achievement Fair is Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30. We will have our "grand opening" for our class business, Magnet Monsters, that evening. We will also display our amazing engineering projects during the achievement fair. WE will have some homework this week. Please check your child's planner, as these assignment may change.

Mon.: math reteach 11.3
Study unit 13 words

Tues.: math reteach 11.4
Study unit 13 words

Wed.: math reteach 11.5
Study unit 13 words.

Thurs.: Study for math chapter 11 test - test is Friday.
Write a sentence for each unit 13 vocab. word. Study words.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Achievement Test Week!

Hooray! We are taking the Reading Achievement Test on Tuesday, May 3. We will take the Math Achievement Test on Thursday, May 5. The Fabulous Fifth Grade will take the Science Achievement Test on Wednesday, May 4. The homework for this week: I am giving practice tests. The reading and math practice tests (for 4th grade) are due on Friday. The science practice test (for 5th grade) is due on Friday. These practice tests are to help the students prepare for the achievement tests. I don't expect the students to complete an entire practice test in one night, which is why the practice tests are due on Friday.

It is very important that your child is well-rested and well-nourished for the achievement tests.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

2-day Week

I hope that you had a wonderful Pesach and spring break. We have such a short week! We will prepare for the achievement tests, work on our class business, have a Second Step lesson, and review test taking skills. There is no homework for this week.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5th Grade Science Homework!

Yes - there is a homework assignment.

Complete the rs. worksheet. It is due tomorrow - 4/14.

Monday, April 11, 2011

5 Very Busy Days Until Pesach Break

We have a lot to do this week. We are starting our class business, starting our engineering experiments, finishing math chapter 10, completing vocabulary unit 12, and attending a model Seder. There isn't too much homework scheduled. Here are the projected homework assignments for this week:

Mon. math rtch. 10.5
vocab. pg 106-107

Tues. math rtch. 10.6
Write a sentence for each of the vocab. unit 12 words.

Wed.: Study for the chapter 10 math test.
Study for spelling/vocab. unit 12 test.


Fifth Grade:

No science homework this week.

Monday, April 4, 2011

2 Weeks Until Pesach Break

We have so much to do! We will start our engineering project, our class business project, return to the math text book, have a spelling/vocabulary unit and quizzes, and dissect flowers. Here is the projected homework schedule for the week:

Mon.: math rtch. pg. 10.1
vocab. unit 11 pgs. 100-101; study unit 11 words
job applications and references due Wed.

Tues.: math rtch 10.2
vocab unit 11 - Write a sentence for each vocab. word; study words.
job applications and references due Wed.

Wed.: math retch. pg. 10.3
study unit 11 vocab. words.

Thurs.: math rtch. pg. 10.4
study unit 11 words

Fifth Grade:
No homework this week.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Final Fourth...

The fourth quarter of our school year has begun. We have so many exciting projects to do and things to learn during these final weeks of our fantastic fourth grade year. The homework schedule is light this week. Enjoy the free time!

Mon.: soc. studies worksheet

Tues.: math worksheet
Write a list of at least 5 ideas for our class business.

Wed.: math worksheet
Write a list of at least 5 possible name for our class business.

Thurs.: Science worksheet. You will need your science textbook to complete the worksheet.


Tues.: Buckle Down Science pg. 34-37

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Return of the 4:00 Fridays...

It's spring! Soon we will have pretty flowers and warm, sunny days all in a row. This is a big week. The third quarter of the school year ends this Friday. We will also return to a 4:00 Friday dismissal schedule. It is hard to believe that we are this far along in the school year. We have a project to finish and a big social studies test to prepare for. We will also continue to review reading and math concepts using the Buckle Down series. (Yes, We are preparing for the achievement tests which will be taken the first week of May.)

Here is the projected homework schedule for the week:

Mon.: Math worksheet
Study for the Soc. St. Unit 3 test. Use the study guides you have created and re-read the textbook chapters. The test will be given on Friday.

Tues.: Math worksheet
Study for Unit 3 Soc. St. test.
Finish music report. The final copy is due Thursday.

Wed.: Math worksheet
Study for Unit 3 Soc. St. test.
Finish music report. The final copy is due Thursday.

Thurs.: Math worksheet
STUDY for the Unit 3 Soc. St. test. The test is TOMORROW!

Fifth Grade Science:

Tues.: Buckle Down Science pg 11-13, due Wed.

Wed.: Buckle Down Science pg. 17-19, due Fri.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Ides of March and Purim

I know, I know, all we really will be thinking about this week will be the Purim carnival, our costumes, and baking and eating hamentachen. However, we will still have to do some work, and even a bit of homework. So, here is the projected homework schedule for this week.

Mon.: math worksheet
rough draft of music report due Tuesday

Tues.: math worksheet
work on re-writes of music report

Wed.: math worksheet
work on re-writes of music report

Thurs.: math worksheet
work on final copy of music report

Fifth Grade Science:

Tues.: define vocab. words pg. 198

Monday, March 7, 2011

Rosh Chodesh Adar 2, Blood Drive, Iditarod, and More!

Today we are celebrating Rosh Chodesh Adar 2 by wearing hats and eating Hamentachen. Tomorrow we will present a wonderful bulletin board for the CTA Blood Drive. (Be sure to make an appointment to donate blood.) On Friday, we will cheer on the first grade class as they compete in the annual CTA First Grade Iditarod. In the meantime, we will review decimals and fractions, study the circulatory system, review the use of prefixes, learn how to write a research paper, and study Ohio's history from WWI to WWII.

Here is the projected homework for the week:

Mon. : Complete math worksheet.
Work on prefix packet. It is due Friday.

Tues.: Complete math worksheets.
Work on prefix packet (due Fri.).
Study for circulatory system quiz (Fri.).

Wed.: Complete math worksheet.
Work on prefix packet (due Fri.).
Study for circulatory system quiz (Fri.).

Thurs.: Complete math worksheet.
Complete prefix packet (due tomorrow)!
Study for circulatory system quiz (tomorrow)!

Fifth Grade:

STUDY FOR CHAPTER 5 SCIENCE TEST. THE TEST WILL BE GIVEN ON WEDNESDAY!! Use your book, notes, and class papers to help you study.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

March, March, March...

March! We are ready for spring. While we wait, we will finfsh math chapter 9 and take the chapter 9 test, prepare for and take the chapter 2 science test, learn how to research a topic and take notes for writing a research paper, continue to study similes and metaphors, and study the circulatory system.

Here is the projected homework for the week:

Mon.: Study for the chapter 2 science test. The test is Friday.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Study list of circulatory system words. The quiz is Fri.

Tues. Study for chapter 9 math test. The test is Wed.
Study for ch.2 science test. The test is Fri.
Soc. St.: Define the vocab. words from pg. 140.
Spelling/Vocab.: Study words. Quiz on Friday.

Wed.: Study for ch.2 science test - test is Fri.
Spelling/Vocab.: Study words - quiz on Fri.

Thurs.: STUDY: for science ch.2 test and spelling/vocab. quiz.

Fifth Grade:

No homework scheduled.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Post-Presidents' Day Snow Storm

What a week! It seems that we are not quite finished with winter weather. Here are the homework assignments for the remainder of the week.

Wed.: Math rtch. pg 9.5
Science: worksheet rs. 19-20

Thurs. Math prob.slvg. pg 9.5

5th Grade Science:

****Boy's travel brochure projects are due THURSDAY!!****

Wed.: Define vocab. words from pg 172

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mid-February (Feb. 14-18, 2011)

Looks like we will have the first winter thaw. Maybe we will even be able to have outdoor recess - what a treat! This will be a busy week, as usual. Here is the projected homework schedule:

Monday: Math rtch. pg 9.1
Vocab: Landform Words: canyon, plateau, plain, dune, valley, mountain,
delta, island
Study the word definitions and spellings. Write each word 3 times each in cursive.

Tuesday: Math rtch pg. 9.2
Vocab: Study landform definitions and spellings.
Social Studies: Define vocab. words from pg. 124.

Wednesday: Vocab.: Study landform word definitions and spellings.
Social Studies: Complete questions #1-4 from pg 129 (textbook).

Thursday: Math rtch pg. 9.3.
Vocab: Study landform definitions and spellings.

Fifth Grade Science:

Monday: GIRLS: Travel Brochure Project given during science lab is due
TUES. FEB. 22.

Wednesday: pg rs 33-34 due Thurs.

Thursday: BOYS: Travel Brochure Project given during science lab is due

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our Very Busy February - February 7-11, 2011

We will have 2 tests and 2 quizzes this week. The math chapter 8 test will be given Wed. Feb. 9. The social studies unit 2 test will be given Fri. Feb. 11. The unit 10 spelling and vocabulary quizzes will be given Fri. Feb.11. Study. Do your homework. Be prepared!

Here is the projected homework for the week:

Mon.: math rtch 8.6
vocab. pg. 92-93
soc. st. questions #1-4 and 6, pg 105 (textbook)

Tues.: Study math ch. 8.
vocab. pg. 94-95
Study for soc. st. unit 2 test by re-reading the unit.

Wed.: science: Define vocab. words from pg. 72
Study for Soc. St. test - Use study guides made in class.
Wrtie a sentence for each of the unit 10 vocab words.

Study unit 10 spelling/vocab words.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

After the Snow Days... Homework Updates

I hope that you had enjoyable snow days. Here is the new homework asssignment list for this week:

Thus.: Math rtch. 8.5
Spelling/Vocab.: Complete in class assignment to write a sentence for each unit 9 word. Study the words for tomorrow's quiz.
Science: Study for the chapter 1 test. - The test is tomorrow!
Reading: Miss Press's group: Complete the questions for Night of the Twisters pgs. 81-100. These are due Tuesday, Feb.8.

Fifth Grade:
Study for the chapter 4 test. The test is tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

4th Grade Science Test... Rescheduled and Other News

We will have the 4th Grade science chapter 1 test on Friday,Feb. 4th. The math test will be given next week, as we have yet to finish the chapter. We will have the spelling and vocab. Unit 9 test on Friday. Study the words. I hope that you are enjoying this snow day! See you tomorrow!

5th Grade Science Test...Rescheduled

I hope that you are enjoying this snow day. The 5th grade chapter 4 science test will be given this Friday, Feb. 4. That's the new plan. Study. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fourth Grade Science Test...

Yes, we will have this test Wednesday (tomorrow) as planned. You have your books and study guides so that you can study for this chapter 1 test. If we have a snow day tomorrow - then I'll reschedule the test. Enjoy the snow day!

Ice Storm: Homework Update

I hope that you are staying safe and warm and are enjoying this snow day. The fifth grade science test will be given tomorrow. The rest of the homework assignments will be adjusted after we return to school. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 31, 2011

The First Week of February...

Here we go! Do you think that the groundhog will predict more winter or an early spring? In the meantime, We will have quite a busy school week. Here is the projected homework schedule:

Mon.: Math rtch 8.4
Vocab. unit 9, pg. 86-87
Study for ch. 1 science test: The test will be given on WEDNESDAY!

Tues.: Math rtch. 8.5
Vocab. unit 9, pg. 88-89
Study for ch. 1 science test: THE TEST IS TOMORROW!!!

Wed.: Math rtch. 8.6
Vocab. unit 9: Write a sentence for each vocab. word.

Thurs.: Study for the Ch. 8 math test: THE TEST IS TOMORROW!
Study spelling/vocab. unit 9 words: THE TEST IS TOMORROW!

Fifth Grade:

Study for Ch. 4 science test: THE TEST WILL BE GIVEN ON TUESDAY!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fifth Grade Science and the Chapter 4 Test

We have completed chapter 4. The chapter 4 test will be given Tuesday, Feb.1. The students are to complete pgs. 154-155 (the chapter review) for homework tonight (Tues., Jan. 25). We will review the answers and create an additional study guide tomorrow during class. The students are responsible for studying for this test from Wed., Jan. 26 until the day of the test.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Third Quarter

Welcome to the first week of the third quarter of this school year. We will be busy, as usual. here is the projected homework schedule:

Mon.: vocab. book pgs. 70-71; study review words.

Tues.: math rtch pg. 8.1
vocab. pg. 72-73; study review words.

Wed.: math rtch. pg. 8.2
vocab. pg. 74-75; study review words.

Thurs.: math rtch pg. 8.3
Study vocab. review words. (Quiz on Friday.)
Soc. St. page

5th Grade:
Wed.: Begin to study for the chapter 4 test. Use your study guide and your text book. the test will be Tues. Feb.1. YOU SHOULD STUDY EVERY NIGHT FROM NOW UNTIL THE TEST ON TUES. FEB 1.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yes, The Chapter 7 Math Test...

Will be given MONDAY, Jan. 24. I will post the projected homework schedule for the week on Monday. I hope that you had a wonderful snow day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Last Week of the Second Quarter

Well, here we are. This is the last week of the second quarter of school. We are almost half-way through our 4th grade year. This week will be busy.
Here is the projected homework schedule:

Tues. Math rtch. 7.5

Wed.: Math rtch. 7.6

Thurs.: Study for the chapter 7 math test.

Fifth Grade:

Wed.: Define the vocabulary words from pg. 144 (Science textbook).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Much Ado About this Week...

Again, we are ready for a very busy week. We are starting a new math chapter, will study Shakespeare, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, build barometers, learn about air masses, fronts, and clouds, and start to read a new novel: The Night of the Twisters. Here is the projected homework schedule for the week.

Mon.: Math rtch. pg 7.1
Vocab. pg. 64-65

Tues.: Math rtch. pg 7.2
Vocab. pg. 66-67

Wed.: Math rtch pg. 7.3
Vocab: Write a sentence for each of the unit 8 words.

Thurs.: Math rtch pg. 7.4
Vocab: Study unit 8 words for spelling and vocab. test on Friday.

5th Grade:

Wed.: Science vocab pg. 136

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WELCOME BACK!! New Year, New Homework...

I hope that you all have had a wonderful and relaxing winter break. We have a very busy month ahead of us. This week we are finishing math chapter 6, English unit 1, and spelling/vocabulary unit 7. so, we will have 3 tests this week: MATH CHAPTER 6 on THURSDAY; ENGLISH UNIT 1 on FRIDAY; SPELLING/VOCABULARY UNIT 7 on FRIDAY. Here is the projected homework schedule for our week:

Mon.: math rtch pg 6.5
sp./vcb. pgs 58-59

Tues.: math rtch pg 6.6
sp./vcb. pgs 60-61

Wed.: math pg 131 and self correct to help you study for the ch. 6 test
Write a sentence for each unit 7 vocab. word.

Thurs.: Study unit 7 vocab. words.
English book pgs 53-55 and self-correct (to study for unit 1 test).


Tues.: Science vocab. words - pg. 128: Use the glossary to define the vocab. words on pg. 128.