Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The Fantastic Fourth Graders have the following homework assignment: COMPLETE THE STUDENT SURVEY.

The Fantastic Fourth Grade PARENTS have the following homework assignment: COMPLETE THE PARENT SURVEY (due Fri. 9/2/11). Thank you! This information will help me be the best teacher for your child and best meet your child's learning needs.

The Fabulous Fifth Grade has the following assignment: Read science textbook pgs.2-9 Complete pg. 9 questions#3,5 and 6. (Write this on loose-leaf paper.)

The Spectacular Sixth Grade has the following assignment: Use the glossary from your science textbook to define the following terms: science, observation, inference, prediction. (Write these in your lab notebook.)

ALL of the students have had a WONDERFUL second day of school. They are doing a great job following our classroom rules, routines, and procedures.

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