Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Second Week of Our 2011-2012 School Year...

I hope that you had a wonderful Shabbat and Labor Day Weekend. This is going to be a busy and exciting week. Here is a list of the projected homework assignments for the WEEK.

Fantastic Fourth Grade:

Tuesday 9/6: Complete math reteach page 1.3.
Use the glossary in your science book to define the following terms:
matter, mass, volume, density
(Write these in your science notebook.)

Wednesday 9/7: Complete math reteach pg.1.4

Thursday 9/8: Complete math reteach pg. 1.5

Fabulous Fifth Grade:

Tuesday 9/6: Use the glossary in your science book to define: sun, rotate, axis,
revolve, orbit, equator. (Write these in your science notebook.)

Wednesday 9/7: Answer questions 3, 5, and 6 from science book pg 37. (Write your
answers on loose leaf paper.)

Spectacular Sixth:

Tuesday 9/6: Use the glossary in your book to define the vocabulary words
from pg. NOS 12. (Write these in your science notebook.)

Wednesday 9/7: Complete science packet pgs.14-15.

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