Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Homework - Again - Oh, yes, we are "back to school..."

The Fantastic Fourth Grade has the following homework assignments due tomorrow:
Math reteach page 1.1
Science: Use the glossary in your science book to define: standard measure, microscope, pan balance, spring scale

Parents of our Fantastic Fourht Graders, please complete and return the parent survey by Friday, Sept. 2. Thank you for completing and returning this so quickly. It will help me provide the best learning environment for your child.

Fabulous Fith and Spectacular Sixth Grade Science classes:
You have no homework tonight.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The Fantastic Fourth Graders have the following homework assignment: COMPLETE THE STUDENT SURVEY.

The Fantastic Fourth Grade PARENTS have the following homework assignment: COMPLETE THE PARENT SURVEY (due Fri. 9/2/11). Thank you! This information will help me be the best teacher for your child and best meet your child's learning needs.

The Fabulous Fifth Grade has the following assignment: Read science textbook pgs.2-9 Complete pg. 9 questions#3,5 and 6. (Write this on loose-leaf paper.)

The Spectacular Sixth Grade has the following assignment: Use the glossary from your science textbook to define the following terms: science, observation, inference, prediction. (Write these in your lab notebook.)

ALL of the students have had a WONDERFUL second day of school. They are doing a great job following our classroom rules, routines, and procedures.

Monday, August 29, 2011


...and Fabulous Fifth, and Spectacular Sixth Grade! This year I am pleased to be teaching fourth grade general studies and fifth and sixth grade science. We are going to have a fantastic, fabulous, spectacular school year!

My classroom blog will contain homework assignments for the school week - FOR ALL CLASSES. The fifth and sixth grade science assignment will be labeled and listed, as will the fourth grade general studies homework assignments. The students will also be responsible for recording their homework assignments in their planners. I will check to make sure that they do so.

We had an amazing first day of school! My goodness, everyone has gotten taller (except for me...I just buy very tall shoes...) I have given a "sort of" homework assignment for my Fantastic Fourth Graders. The are to show their copy of the classroom code to their parents, have their parents sign the cover of it, and return it to school tomorrow.

Also - I have told the students that they may bring WATER bottles to school (flavored water, like Crystal Light, is fine, just no juice, milk, or soda in the classroom). Students may take drinks from their water bottles, but aren't allowed to leave my classroom for a drink. They may use the drinking fountain before/after lunch and recess. This way we can use every precious minute for learning!

I am so excited to be working with such a wonderful group of students! Welcome to our school year!