Monday, October 12, 2009

And Now Back to Our Regularly Schedualed Program...

After enjoying several weeks of special school programs and no-homework holiday weeks - we are now back to our regular routine. We will still have many fun science experiments, projects and neat things to do. Here is the projected homework schedule for this week:

Mon.: Study unit 3 vocab. words.
Complete math page.
Complete social studies page.

Tues.: Complete pgs. 28-29 in Vocab. book and study words.
Complete math page.
Complete science page.

Wed.: Write a sentence for each vocab. word.
Complete math page.
Complete social studies page.

Thurs.: Study spelling/vocab. words.
Complete math page.

Fifth Grade homework:

Mon.: Complete pg. 3.6

Tues.: Complete review page 59; study for chapter 3 math test.

Thurs.: Math page 7.1

***Reading assignments will be given on a daily basis - check your child's planner.***

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