Sunday, February 8, 2009

"The Almond Trees are Smiling..." Happy Tu' B' Shevat!

This week begins with a holiday and ends with a long weekend. Hooray! We will complete our study of erosion and take a quick and painless science quiz about erosion. We will complete chapter 9 in math, take the chapter 9 math test, and begin an new, wonderfully challenging math chapter. We will complete the Thomas Edison biography and then watch a movie about Thomas Edison. We will learn about the settlement of the Northwest Territory and discuss current events. We will prepare for a substitute teacher to lead our class on Friday, Feb. 13, Tuesday, Feb.17, and Wednesday, Feb. 18. (I will be in Erie. It is a very big family weekend. My cousin is getting married and my niece is going to be born.) The students are aware that I expect their best and most wonderful behavior (well, always...but) during this time. There will be regular lessons, regular homework, etc. So, here is the plan for this week:

Mon.: Spelling/Vocab.: Unit 14 - study words; complete pgs.124-125
Reading: Complete the questions for Thomas Edison, chapters 4-6
Math: Chapter 9 review page (self-correct); study for the test (test is tomorrow)
Science: STUDY GUIDE! Study for the Erosion quiz (quiz is Thurs.)

Tues: Spelling/Vocab.: Unit 14 - study words; complete pgs. 126-127
Reading: Complete questions for Thomas Edison chapter 7
Math: practice those basic multiplication and division facts!
Science: Study for Erosion quiz

Wed.: Spelling/Vocab: Study words; write a sentence for each vocabulary word
Reading: Complete Thomas Edison questions - chapter 8
Math: complete pg. 10.1
Social Studies: Complete the Ohio Studies Weekly packet.

Thurs: Spelling/Vocab.: study words
Math: complete pg. 10.2
Reading: complete Thomas Edison chapter 9-10 questions


MATH: Chapter 9 test is TUESDAY!

SCIENCE: Erosion quiz is THURSDAY!


Have a wonderful week!

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