Monday, November 17, 2008

Are You Ready for Parent/Teacher Conferences?

Here we are - one week away from Thanksgiving Break and just mere hours away from parent/teacher conferences. I look forward to meeting with you. We are having a fantastic year so far - and many great new learning adventures await us.

Speaking of that - one of the learning adventures - the science test that was scheduled for today (11/17) has been postponed until Thursday (11/20). I was absent Friday - and did not give the kids the study guide. I am sorry for the confusion. We made a study guide today, reviewed the chapter, and prepared for Thursday's test. Study! Study! Study!

Here is the projected homework schedule for this week:

Mon.: spelling/Vocab pgs. 64-65; study words
math pg. 6.1
Science: STUDY for quiz on Thursday.

Tues: spelling/vocab: pgs. 66-67; study words
math pg. 6.2 (finish if the page wasn't completed in class)
social studies: write the definitions for the vocabulary list on pg. 54
in the OHIO book, READ pages 54-61 in Ohio book.
Science: STUDY! The quiz is on Thursday.
** These assignments are due Thurs.**

Wed: Behave, help your parents, read something that you enjoy, have a healthy snack,
play, enjoy the day off from school. (Oh - STUDY FOR THE SCIENCE QUIZ!)

Thurs: spelling/vocab: STUDY unit 8 words!!!!
math: reteach pg. 6.2

Have a wonderful week!


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