Monday, October 3, 2011

The First Week of October

This week is going to be a busy one! Here is the projected homework schedule. We will have a spelling test and a science test on Friday. The Fabulous Fifth Grade will have a science test on Thursday.

G'mar Chatimah Tova!

Fantastic Fourth Grade:

Monday: Study spelling words.
Study Science journal notes.

Tuesday: Study spelling words.
Study science journal notes, study guide, and textbook chapter 5.
Complete math reteach pg. 3.3.

Wednesday: Study spelling words.
Study science notes, study guide, and textbook chapter 5.
Complete math reteach pg. 3.4

Thursday: Study spelling words.
Study science notes, study guide, and textbook chapter 5.

Fabulous Fifth Grade:

Monday-Wednesday: Study for chapter 1 science test. Use your notes and the text book. You will get an additional study guide on Tuesday. Use all these materials to help you prepare for the test. The test will be given on Thursday.

Spectacular Sixth Grade:

No homework this week!