Monday, August 31, 2009

Homework for the Week of August 31-September 4, 2009

Here is the projected homework schedule for this week. All assignments are due THE NEXT SCHOOL DAY unless otherwise specified. If the homework is not turned in, your child will receive a LATE LETTER and MUST turn in the assignment and late letter with a parent's signature. For every 4 late letters earned in a grading period, your child will have to serve an after-school study hall/detention. Please check your child's planner to confirm the nightly assignments.

The Fantastic Fourth Grade:

Monday: Write spelling/vocab. words TWICE each in cursive.
Complete math page.

Tuesday: Study spelling/vocab. words and definitions.
Read chapter 2 in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and complete
reading response questions.
Complete math page.

Wednesday: Write a sentence for each spelling and vocabulary word.
Complete math page.

Thursday: Study for spelling/vocab. test.
Math review page

The Fabulous Fifth Grade:

Mon.: Read ch. 2 in Sign of the Beaver; answer questions.
Math - reteach pg 1.2

Tues.: Read ch. 4 in Sign of the Beaver; complete questions
Math: reteach 1.3

Wed. : math: reteach 1.4

Thurs.: math reteach 1.5

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


HOORAY! We had a FANTASTIC first day of school. I am delighted to be working with many of my former second graders AND to have three wonderful new students in our class. We spent most of our day getting our supplies organized, practicing our classroom procedures, reviewing our classroom and school rules, "getting into the swing of things", and did a bit of work on our superhero project. I gave a small homework assignment. The students have a questionnaire to complete by tomorrow. There is also an assignment for you, the parents. It is a short questionnaire that will help me understand how to best meet your child's needs in our classroom. Please return this survey by Friday of this week. Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or suggestions that you have to help make this year a fantastic one for your child. My school number is 864-0299, ext. 247. My school email is I check these messages several times during the day. I look forward to seeing you at our lower school open house next Wednesday evening!


Miss Press