Thursday, January 29, 2009

Super Snow Day Updates...

I hope that you are enjoying our snow day vacation. If we are in school tomorrow (Fri. Jan. 30), we WILL have the science quiz and the spelling/vocab. quiz. If the kids are bored and driving you are a few excellent extra credit project ideas:

Comic Strip: Create a 6 panel comic strip story about your snow day adventures - or a topic of your choice. Make sure that you include dialogue with your pictures and that you illustrate in color. The comic strip should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Short Story/ Creative writing: Write a story - topic of your choice - just enjoy the process of creating a story.

Math: practice your measuring skills: bake or cook something (with parental supervision)
This would be a great time to practice multiplication/division flash cards!!

Social Studies: Current events: Find and interesting news story - write about it - tell why this story is important, what effects it has on the U.S., on the world, and on you.
Find out some neat facts about the state of Ohio. Make a list of these facts.

Science: Study for the quiz.
Our next unit will be about weathering and erosion - find out how trees help prevent soil erosion, investigate the effects of snow, ice and rock salt on the soil/roads and land...

Reading: read something that you enjoy

Build Something! Is this good "packing snow"? Make a snow sculpture contest - take photos of your creations. Try to build an igloo or snow fort.

Do a Mitzvah - Help with the snow shoveling, help someone dig out his/her car, help Mom and Dad with the housework, read a story to your younger siblings, give lots of with the Shabbat preparations

I hope that you have a very enjoyable snow day. Maybe we will be in school tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Third Quater...More Snow... Happy "Year of the Ox"...

This is the first week of the THIRD quarter of school. Wow. Third quarter is known to be the busiest, most hectic, dreariest, and the most challenging - It is the long haul between winter break and Pesach break, the quarter where we learn the most challenging material, the quarter where the weather is the worst, and the quarter that has the least "breaks" from school. So, HERE WE GO! We will put forth our best efforts, work hard, and strive to be our best!!

Upcoming events:


Shakespeare show at school: 10:00 Friday.

QUIZ: Science Quiz on FRIDAY.

Projected homework schedule:

Mon.: Spelling/Vocab.: pg. 108-109
Math: reteach pg. 9.1
Study for Science quiz.

Tues.: Spelling/Vocab.: pg. 112-113
Math: reteach pg. 9.2
STUDY for science quiz
Social studies: extra credit - question #5 from pg. 97 in Ohio book

Wed.: spelling/vocab.: pg. 114-115, STUDY words!
Math: reteach pg. 9.3
Social studies: complete Ohio Studies Weekly packet

Thurs.: spelling/Vocab.: STUDY FOR REVIEW UNIT QUIZ!
math: reteach pg. 9.4

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Recovery from Snow Day, Arctic Temperatures...

BRRR! It's still pretty cold and snowy. I hope that you enjoyed our snow day. Now we are back to work. This will be an event filled week. On Monday we will have special presentations and lessons about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights movement, and the importance of tolerance, kindness, and respect in our society. On Tuesday we will watch the Presidential Inauguration. Students will go to lunch early (11:00) and meet in the library at 11:30 to watch the inauguration ceremonies. Wednesday is the Parent/Student Breakfast. All lower-school parents and students are invited to attend. Breakfast will be served at 8:00. The last day of the 2nd quarter is this Friday - Jan.23. We do have a few tests this week - these will be the last grades of the second quarter.

Bones Test - MONDAY, JAN. 19
Math Chapter 8 Test: THURSDAY, JAN. 22
Spelling and Vocab Test Unit 12: FRIDAY, JAN. 23
***We will have "timed tests" for the basic multiplication and division facts on Fridays.*** Students will track their progress from week to week. We start the timed tests this Friday.

Projected Homework Schedule:

Mon: Spelling/Vocab. Unit 12 - first 2 pages of the unit; study words.
Math: Reteach pg. 8.5;

Tues: Spelling/Vocab. Unit 12 - next 2 pages of the unit; study words.
Math: Reteach pg. 8.6; Mult/Divis. pkt. (due 1/27)

Wed: Spelling/Vocab. Unit 12 - Write a sentence for EACH of the VOCABULARY words - (yes - ALL 12).
Math: text book pg 179 and STUDY FOR CHAPTER 8 TEST
Science: Workbook pg. 134

Thurs: Spelling/Vocab. Unit 12 - STUDY WORDS!!
Math: finish mult./divis. packet (due 1/27)
Science: Finish any classwork that you didn't have time to finish.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Wintery Mix Continues...

Wintery mix - a good way to describe the current precipitation AND the current content of our lessons. Last week was a rough one... We are back to tests, homework, projects, and a regular routine. Here is the plan for this week:

Spelling and vocab. unit 11 - the test will be Friday.
Science Quiz! - bones/skeletal system - study guide will be given Monday; quiz is Friday.
Power Point Presentations: Students will share their presentations during computer classes on Tues. and Wed.

Planned Homework Schedule:

Mon.: vocab.: book pgs. 98-99; study words
math: reteach pg. 8.1
Science: STUDY: use study guide - Quiz is Fri.

Tues.: Vocab: pgs. 100-101; study words
math: reteach pg. 8.2
Science: STUDY!
Social Studies: complete unfinished classwork

Wed.: Vocab.: Write a sentence for EACH of the 12 vocabulary words. Study!
math: reteach pg. 8.3
Science: STUDY!
Social Studies: complete unfinished classwork

math: reteach pg. 8.4


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It has been a very busy "first few" days back. There have been some additions to the homework schedule for TUESDAY, Jan. 6. Social Studies: read pgs. 86-93 in the OHIO book, define these vocab. words: ally, colony, French and Indian War, survey, proclamation, and squatter. Answer questions #1-3 from pg. 93.

Math: The students have been given the directions, guidelines, and materials for the double bar graph project. This is due MONDAY, JAN. 12.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Are You Ready for....SCHOOL!!!

Winter break has ended. Now we must return to school - WOW! We're going to be busy.
We are back to the regular routines - homework, spelling/vocab. tests, HOMEWORK. We're also starting new units in Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. We'll even try to finish the study of the skeletal system. (finally...) I'll have grades for THE BIG NATIVE AMERICAN PROJECTS by Friday.

This is the projected homework schedule:

Mon.: Vocab./Spelling unit 10 - Study words; complete assigned pages.
Math: Prepare question for bar graph/double bar graph project.

Tues.: Vocab./Spelling unit 10 - Study words; complete assigned pages.
Math: Work on Bar Graph project; it is due Mon. Jan. 12.
Social Studies: Complete unfinished assignments from class.

Wed.: Vocab./Spelling unit 10 - Study words; 6 sentences for 6 words.
Math: Complete multiplication page and work on project.

Thurs.: Vocab./Spelling unit 10 - STUDY WORDS!!
Math: Complete division page and work on project.
Science: to be announced...