Sunday, March 30, 2008

April Showers bring Pesach Flowers...

Here we are in the first week of April. We are starting a new chapter in math, completing our study of pronouns, learning about Ohio history (pre-Civil War to Civil War) and will be continuing to prepare for the Ohio proficiency tests. We will also work with the 5th grade to write "author information pages" for the 5th graders' Writing Workshop pieces. **We will have a pronouns quiz on Thursday.**

Next week : MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY the fourth grade will be at Camp Willson. PLEASE RETURN THE PERMISSION FORMS AND MONEY. If you have any questions or concerns about the camp experience - please contact Mrs. Sapp.

Projected homework for this week:

Monday: spelling/vocabulary - study words, complete the given assignment
math: wkbk. pg. 8.1 and problem solving pg. 8.1

Tuesday: spelling/vocab.: study words, do given assignment
Ohio proficiency test prep. assignment (TBA)

Wednesday: spelling/vocab. - study words, do given assignment
math: wkbk. 8.2, and 8.3
language arts: study for PRONOUNS quiz

Thursday: spelling/vocab. - study words - complete given assignment
math: wkbk. 8.4 and prob.slvg. 8.4

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fourth Grade News: Getting Ready for Camp Willson, Getting Ready for Achievment Tests...VERY READY for Spring Break

We are now in the 4th quarter of school. WOW. We are preparing for the achievement tests which will be given on April 30, May 2, and May 5. (Make up tests will be given May6-9.) The students will take reading, math, and writing tests.

We are currently completing chapter 7 in math. The test is THURS. Please continue to review basic multiplication and division facts. Our next several math chapters are based on these basic concepts. In reading - we are focusing on reading comprehension strategies, making inferences, and drawing conclusions. We are also working on reading test taking strategies. In language arts, we are studying pronouns: subject, object, possessive, and homophones (there, their, they're, etc.) Our current and subsequent spelling/vocabulary lessons will be words from our social studies lessons. In social studies, we are learning about the economic growth in Ohio from the 1830's through the Civil War. We are also learning about the four factors of production: capital, labor, entrepreneurship, and land. These lessons will help to prepare us for our GREAT BIG 4th GRADE BUSINESS ADVENTURE. (We'll start that project April 1.)


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring, Purim, and no snow this week...

We are preparing for an intense week. The main interest for all of the students is, of course, Purim. There will be a BIG celebration at school ALL DAY on Friday. The students can wear their costumes to school on Friday.

We will have "regular, usual school" from Monday-Thursday. We will make a study guide for Ohio book Chapter 6 lessons 1 and 2. The quiz on these lessons will be THURSDAY. There is a special spelling list for this week. The spelling test will be Thursday. We will finish the last lessons (7.5, 7.6, and the review section) for math chapter 7. The math test will be next Wednesday - March 26. In Language arts, we will continue to study pronouns: subject, object, and the proper use of "I" and "me". We are also preparing for the Ohio proficiency tests. Our current focus is on "writing" and "math". PLEASE help your child review the basic multiplication and division facts.


Study spelling words; math pg. 7.5; study social studies study guide;

study spelling words; study social studies study guide; reading response question

Wednesday: study spelling words; study social studies study guide; math 7.6

Thursday: Spelling test; social study quiz